August 12, 2005

Our Poor Little Chloe

We almost lost our little Chloe last night.
We put the dogs out and didn't think anything about it.
About an hour later, Tyler was letting them in and Chloe wouldn't come.
Now usually we'd just shut the door and try later. But for some reason, he kept calling her and she wasn't coming.
He went out and heard splashing but couldn't see her, it was about 9:00 and dark by the pool. Next thing I hear is "Mom, I think Chloe's drowning!" So I run outside and sure enough she's in the pool. (We have one of those 3 ft pools with the ladder and filter.)
She was paddling her little heart out. I grabbed her out
of the pool and she was coughing and could hardly breathe, I thought I was going to have to give her CPR. Finally she was breathing ok. We wrapped her in a towel and I just held her for awhile, she was shaking SO bad. Poor little thing.
She weighs all of 6 pounds.
Then after she got settled down, we gave her a warm bath and held her some more. Then I let her lay in bed with me for awhile and she fell right to sleep. She had to be tired. We have no idea how long she was in there.
I know this may sound silly, but I thank God that Tyler kept looking for her. I don't think I could bare pulling her little dead body out of the water.
ps- the pool is down now!!! We let all the water out last night.

August 11, 2005

Creating Tickers

Hello, I'm at creating tickers and I did this...

I hope this comes out!!!!

August 9, 2005

August Already!?!

On one hand I hate how this summer is almost over, but on the other I am SO excited for fall. I love fall! I feel like I've been so busy this summer that I've hardly had the chance to enjoy being outside. I haven't been in the pool for a month. I did get out and jump on the trampoline last night. A friend of mine wanted me to video record it on the cell phone he gave me and send it to him, so I did. Hope he liked it.

Our family is all doing good... as good as good can be. The kids are excited (or is that me) to start going back to the homeschool co-op in September. The only thing that will be hard this year is that I will have to hire someone to come in and help with the daycare every Thursday. My mom is working full time now, so she can't do it.
I am nervous about hiring someone I don't know and everyone I do know is either busy with their own kids or doesn't want to watch kids. lol I guess I will have to put an ad in the paper and pray for the best.

We did get some bad news last uncle Everette (on my dad's side) had been sick for a couple weeks. He woke up one day last week and was having chest pains, went to the doctor and they thought he was having a heart attack, so they life flighted him to a hospital in Pennsylvania (he lives in W. Va.). He got there and they said he wasn't having a heart attack but wanted to keep him and run some tests. The next day they told him he has acute leukemia. What a shock. So, he will be in there for at least another 4-5 weeks getting treatment. The sad thing is my cousin Jeff, his only child, is getting married on Friday and he will not be able to attend the wedding. I'm sure they would appreciate prayer at this time. We haven't heard the extent of what he has or the outlook or anything, so we're just praying and waiting.

I have started reading a great book. It's called "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeu . You can read more about the book at: It's a very imformative book and I highly recommend it.
I know that I will be changing some things in our diet and exercise. I would rather do something natural than have to go to a doctor and get a synthetic drug that will end up causing more damage in the long run.

Exciting aunt Gail and cousin Jeremy will be coming on the 18th for a visit. We're very excited. We always have a great time when they come. One of the things we have planned is to go to an Indians baseball game. That will be fun! We haven't been yet this year. It's always fun to go downtown Indy. The sad news is that my mom will be working most of the time they are here and won't be able to go. :o(

Well, it's 11:00 so I am off to start making the daycare kids' lunch. We took a long walk this morning and so I'm sure they are more than ready to eat and hopefully will take a nice nap this afternoon.

~Take care and I'll update our blog soon~