Surprise! Mr. R and I are having a baby (or two?). We had our first OB appointment last Wednesday. They thought I was 13 weeks but after the exam they think I'm either further along or there's more than one baby. Let's hope I'm just further along!! We will find out Monday at the ultrasound.
We're all adjusting to this big change. Mr. R is thrilled! I think he took about 50 pictures at the doctor's office. I'm getting use to the idea. I haven't been sick at all. Mostly I'm just getting headaches. At night my stomach has been bothering me, but it's more a stretching feeling than a hurting feeling. The boys are undecided. T1 isn't too thrilled and T2 is making sure mama is taking her vitamins each day.
The baby's heart rate was 160 bpm.
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