January 7, 2009

Goin To The Birds

I worked for the first time in three weeks yesterday. It was fun. I love the kids I have and it makes having to work a lot easier when you have good daycare kiddos. My 4 yr old daycare boy was so excited to tell me what he got for Christmas. It was so cute to hear him so excited about his new toys.

Last night me, Mr. R and the boys went to the movies. We saw "Yes Man". It was ok. Not hilarious, but not boring either. I really want to see "Mall Cop" when it comes out. I like Kevin James, he is so funny.

After the movies we stopped at Walmart and then ate at Arby's since everything else was closed or getting ready to close. We didn't get home until after 11:30 and I was ready for bed.

We got a little scare this morning. Mr. R had left around 12:30 and after he left I listened to the messages I had gotten on my home phone. One was from my OB's office and it said they had some results from my blood tests and needed me to call them back. Well, we all know that they don't call if everything is ok, they just tell you it's ok at your next appointment. Well, since I had just had my Quad Test on Friday, I started to get a little nervous. So I called Mr. R and he turned around and came back. I couldn't call them back until 1:00 because they close for lunch and let me tell you, that 30 minutes felt like 30 hours. Of course we were preparing ourselves for the worst (or I was - Mr. R is always positive) and we were just saying that whatever it was, we would be ok with it and we'd deal with it.

When I did call, I got put on hold a bunch of times but finally the nurse answered and told me they got some of my first tests back and it was showing that I am borderline anemic. Then she gave me the name of some iron pills that I needed to get (Slow Fe) and to take them for 60 days. We were SO relieved that that was all it was!! I can handle having to take some iron pills. Thank you Lord!

Of course Mr. R ran up to CVS right away and got them. I took one earlier and so far, so good. I've taken iron before and it's always upset my stomach so I'm hoping this kind of "slow release" iron will work better. (Although I can deal with an upset stomach for 60 days. It's better than having something major wrong!)

I'm a little surprised that I'm anemic because I do not have any of the signs. As a matter of fact, I've had more energy since I've been pregnant than I normally do. I haven't felt dizzy or had any of the other symptoms of anemia. Oh well, a little extra iron isn't going to hurt anything anyway.

Now I need to go try to find something to make with hamburger. I have a pound in my fridge that needs fixed before it goes bad. I'm really hungry for pasta with alfredo sauce... hmmm, wonder how hamburger would taste in alfredo? Maybe I'll make spaghetti instead and use it for that.

The picture below was taken by T1 (who by the way is an AWESOME photographer! The boy really has talent!) This is what we woke up to this morning in our backyard. Wonder where they all came from?!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture of the birds is AMAZING! I looked at the picture before I read the blog and thought it was taken from the movie "The Birds." I'm not kidding, that picture is really AWESOME!