September 13, 2005

At The Request of My Cousin Jeremy...

I am going to post again...a new blog...WOW! Are you all shocked.
Like anyone ever keeps up with this. LOL

Well, not much has happened since I last wrote...Chole is doing fine. She's nice and dry and hates water now. She hated baths before, even as a puppy, so I found it odd that she would just jump in the pool like that. But she's fine and back to normal now. Well, I don't think she was ever normal, but she's back to her old doggie self! lol

My aunt Gail and cousin Jer came for their visit. It was a great time. Unfortunately my mom had to work the whole time so she didn't get to see them much, but we had fun. The Friday night they were here, we went to an Indians game downtown. We even got up on the big screen when they showed the
"Flex Cam". We were all standing up flexing our "muscles" and there we were up on the screen. My first thought was "hey, that girl has the same shirt on that I do" but then again, I'm a blond! We didn't really do much the rest of the weekend. Hit a couple garage sales and went out to eat, rented movies and ate some more. We love to eat!!! I can't believe it's been almost a month since they've been here! Time flys!! We need to go down there sometime soon. They live in West Virginia. I love to go down there in the fall, the leaves are so pretty!

I need to ask for prayer for my uncle! He's not doing real good and after two rounds of chemo his numbers went from a 7 to a 40. They can't do anymore chemo now and are looking at stem cell transplants. On a good note, his immune levels are rising and he may be able to go home in a couple weeks if he gets his immunity built back up. That would be nice for him!

We didn't get to go back to co-op this year! At least not yet! I have lost a couple kids in my daycare and can't hire someone until I can pay her and right now I just can't so, we didn't get to go back last week, but I'm sure we'll get back there soon.
We had such a great time last year that I really want the kids to be able to go back!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful September! Bless the victims of Hurricane Katrina and Bless President Bush for having the guts to admit he failed! It's about time!! Maybe next time he can cut his 5 week vacation short to take care of the country that he's suppose to be in charge of! I will stop there, because I could go on awhile!

~Have a great week!~