2007 was a great year. It was good to us and for that I am thankful. Our biggest highlight of the year was that we FINALLY made the trip to Disney World. And it was so worth the wait!!
As I look to 2008 I am filled with anxiety (cause that's just how I am), anticipation, hopefulness and for the first time in a long time, a little clarity. I have a feeling that 2008 is going to be life changing, but in a good way. I've never been one to make up "resolutions" but I do have some goals for this coming year. BIG goals. I think my life is going to be changing in many areas... work, home, family, self. The only constants will be that I will still have my loving family, supportive friends and the same never changing God that will be there every step of the way.
What more could you ask for at the start of a new year?!
December 31, 2007
Thanks 2007
Posted at 8:00 AM | 2 Comments
Categorized Under: holidays
December 28, 2007
December 27, 2007
What Do You Do When You Have 12 Days Off?
You catch up on movies of course... and you do a review of them on your blog.
* Waitress... Not good. Very slow. Horrible ending. Made me want pie through the whole thing though.
* Licensed To Wed... Not much better. I think we spent more time talking than really watching the movie.
* Meet The Robinsons... T2 took this one next door and watch it with his friend "M". They thought it was good. However, they're 10 (although one is almost 11!!!!!)
* Chuck and Larry... Probably the best one so far, as far as being funny.
* Deck The Halls... Cute, but no need to see it again.
Tomorrow we're going to see National Treasure: Book of Secrets... I can almost guarantee this will be the best movie we've seen during my 12 days off. I'm excited! Although I don't know if it's more about the movie or the real movie theater popcorn with lots of butter that is making me so giddy.
Posted at 7:59 PM | 0 Comments
Categorized Under: movies
December 26, 2007
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things
Posted at 1:25 PM | 0 Comments
December 24, 2007
Update on the "Naughty List"
Children's "father" - still on.
Proactiv - still on.
Daycare Mom - came over today and paid some of the money, so we can take her off. At least she's trying. :)
American Eagle - this is a hard one. I got the items this morning, so I guess they should be off the list, however... I'm wondering if I wouldn't have taken the time to call, if I would have gotten my son's stuff? I think they should stay on the list just because of the fact that I placed my order last Monday, but maybe we can move them a little further down.
Posted at 11:58 AM | 0 Comments
Categorized Under: vents
December 22, 2007
Ba Humbug Christmas Losers
It's so nice when just 3 days before Christmas...
- Your children's "father" doesn't pay his child support for the week. I'm sure he "needed" that money for beer, weed and a cheap gift his girlfriend. (OH, and let's hope, some condoms!!)
What else is nice?...
- A daycare parent (who is over a month behind) who "said" she'd have you paid up by Friday but ended up "not needing" daycare on Friday and you still have yet to hear from her.
... I'm pretty sure you're both on Santa's naughty list now.
**Edit Naughty List**
Two more people to add to the "naughty list"...
- American Eagle... I bought T1 two items online, ON MONDAY, and they just shipped out today!! When I went in to track my items last night, it wouldn't work. So I called. The very snotty customer service girl said that I wouldn't get it by Christmas since I ordered on Monday. Umm, well, with 3-10 day shipping, I was willing to take my chances. I asked her how she KNEW I wasn't going to get my items and she wouldn't answer. I didn't really think that 6 shipping days would be such a problem.
Today I called back to try and get more information... today I was told that it just shipped out today. WHAT!?! Umm, I placed this order on MONDAY, today is SATURDAY... what's the problem. But then... the nicer customer service girl said it was shipped FedEx and I should have it by Monday.
So, either the girl from last night knew how ticked I was, or figured out that they OOOPS! hadn't placed the order I had placed on Monday and sent it out with "2 day" shipping, or American Eagle just doesn't care about Christmas wishes coming true. I haven't figured it out, but I'm not holding my breath that it will make it by Christmas, which means that tonight and tomorrow I have to go back out and try to find two more items to take these items' place.
- Proactiv... who LIED and said I would only be charge $19.95 per month. I checked my online checking account today and noticed a charge for $45.85. Nice. I called, they said they were giving me the bi-monthly ordering with "bigger bottles" and blah blah blah... I said "Please UNenroll me!" Why do companies do that? If I wanted that, I would have ordered that. T1 isn't using it anyway, so now I'll have a two month supply of Proactiv with "bigger bottles"!! Anyone need any Proactiv?
Posted at 1:39 PM | 0 Comments
Categorized Under: vents
December 16, 2007
9 Days and Counting
Christmas is NOT this close. I'm not ready. But then again, this happens every year and like everything else in my life, I do better at the last minute. I don't know what it is, but I get this "rush" of having to get it done asap and then it's almost like a challenge. I'm weird, but I do better that way. I'm not good at waiting, so if I had everything done and wrapped, Christmas Eve would be boring cause I'd just be waiting for Christmas.
A few weeks ago I wasn't sure how good of a Christmas my kids would have and although I know it's not about the gifts, my kids are older now and older means more expensive. They grow in age, the toys grow in price. That's just the way it is. But like always, God takes care of everything and we're all set to have a great Christmas and I know my kids will be happy. That's my gift to myself.
I just printed off my Christmas letter and all that's left to do is stuff the envelopes and send them out. I wasn't sure I wanted to do Christmas cards this year, but I'm glad I did. I'm also happy we went ahead and got the picture cards. I think we'll do that again next year.
My mom is working more hours for me and with less kids this week, I just figured out that tomorrow I don't have to work until 3pm! And I close at 5, so tomorrow will be a very easy day. I'm actually looking forward to a Monday for once.
December 15, 2007
I Woke Up To This
Posted at 8:06 AM | 0 Comments
December 14, 2007
December 13, 2007
Winter Skin Warnings
Click Here To Find Out Why You Should Throw Your Chemical Filled Lotions Away
As most of you know, I *heart* Dr. Mercola... this is a great article to read and he's wonderful to listen to. I'm getting ready to throw out most of my lotions and buy natural body butters. I just got a great organic lip balm at Walmart. It's called Alba and has 82% Certified Organic Ingredients. It's also passion fruit nectar flavor... yum! Walmart also has a Vitamin E stick for only 96 cents. I have one and I use it daily on rough patches and it really does the trick. You can find these sticks by the Vitamin E.
Posted at 1:19 PM | 0 Comments
Categorized Under: health
December 9, 2007
I'm Still Here...
I can't believe how close we are to Christmas. I just can't get into the Christmas spirit. We even had snow last week and that didn't work either. I think it's time to make some hot chocolate and go look at some Christmas lights. I don't even have all my decorations up yet and we only have two weeks left.
Today is my ShihTzu, Chloe's birthday. She is 4. Yes, we had a little party. Yes, my dogs got hamburgers and french fries. And yes, they both got to open up presents. They're too spoiled. I found new dog beds for them... they were suppose to be for Christmas but after I got them home I couldn't wait for them to have them so I caved and gave them to them already. It's been hard to keep stuff from my kids too. I just want to give them everything right now! I love giving gifts to people.
I have so much I want to write, but I don't know how to say it all... I'm not good with putting personal info out there for the whole world to see, but let's just say that I'm working on something big. Something I've talked about on here before and something that some people would say is wrong. I've decided that I'll let God make those kinds of decisions for me and if others don't like it, they can talk to Him about it. It's my life. I need to do what makes me and my boys happy. I need to take opportunities while they're available. I need to move on and start living life again. I've been in neutral for too long. I think 2008 is going to be a great year!