July 9, 2007

Twice In One Day?

We went to church twice yesterday. It doesn't mean we're great people, it just means we're good for at least another two weeks now. JUST KIDDING! We were actually out of town Saturday and didn't get back home until last night, so since we were there, we just stayed a little longer.

It is H.O.T. here. And wouldn't you know it, I picked today to take the daycare kids to the park. I'm so organized like that. Oh well, we'll have fun and I'm sure it will wear them out and that's always a good thing at naptime!

I think I may be allergic to my dogs. My allergies were fine until I picked our shihtzu up this morning. Yikes! I hope that was just a coincidence!!

We still have our cat. The poor thing needs a home. We're working on it. I'll miss her, but there is just no way we can take her. My neighbor gave me 10 cans of cat food for her. He came over and wanted to make sure I was still feeding her, I said I was, and he offered me the food. I thought that was so nice of him. He told me they always leave water out for her too, so she's got plenty to keep her dehydrated in this heat.

I think we've become known in our neighborhood as people who will take in strays. Another neighbor of mine came over last weekend and was telling me about this stray dog, who had been hanging around a house a few streets down. Well, this neighbor went there because they were having a moving sale and when she found out about the dog and that they were moving the next day, she came to me and asked if we could take the dog for just a couple days until she could do something. Of course I said yes. I had also been to that moving sale and did see the dog laying in the garage but heard them telling someone they had a person who was coming to get the dog later that day. I told my neighbor that and she said she was going to go talk to them. I guess they must have gotten rid of it because I never heard anything else about it. I'm ok with that, we don't need more pets!

Well, we're off to go to the park.


T2 and the kiddos by the park stream: