November 20, 2005


We did not make it to church seems my 8 yr old is not quite over the stomach bug he had earlier this week. I really thought we made out good, with only vomiting once and nothing else...well, the "nothing else" aka diarrhea, is now here! It started last night and I had to make a quick run to CVS to get some children's Imodium AD. I gave him his "doses" and crossed my fingers. They must have come uncrossed sometime in the night because at about 3:30am , we were up, in and out of the bathroom and watching Animal Planet for the next hour.
I learned alot about mama crocodiles...and how they carry their newly born crocs in their mouths...well, unless they get a little too excited while trying to pick them up and bite down on them with their huge teeth, in that case, they just go ahead and eat the baby since they've already half killed them anyway. How motherly!! far today I have answered all my emails, watched an episode of 'Golden Girls', tried a "Aunt Jemima Griddlecakes" breakfast sandwich (very good, will buy again) and found the space heater in the garage to put her next to my computer so I will be all toasty warm while cleaverly writting on my blog each day this winter! I'm thinking about a shower and getting my kids some lunch (since it's almost 2:00 now!) and perhaps running up to the store to buy a newspaper. But for now, I will continue writting on my blog while watching my yorkie destory a roll of paper towels. He's so cute and never gets to have any fun, so I say GO FOR IT ANDY!!!! Tear it up boy!!!

I worked yesterday. I had a daycare dad ask me at pick-up Friday night if I ever did weekend care. I said I had in the past. He said he was looking for someone for Saturday from 10-2. I figured since I am only working 3 days this week, I could swing it. The kids got here, we got ready and went to walmart. I took Tyler to Payless and let him go in by himself to look, he didn't find anything (he has to have "namebrand" shoes off to Kohls we'll go this week), then we went through McDonalds for lunch...OH MY! it cost me almost $20 for me and 4 kids! (Rethinking the foster care thing!!! We could never go out to eat!!) We came home, ate, and their dad called and said he was on his way...easy cheesey!! Wish my daycare days were that fun and short!!

I guess I need to go get something done...I have to get lunch, clean the downstairs, do some laundry and make out my daycare menu for the week...all before 9pm! At that time I will be on the couch watching "Snow Wonder" the CBS Sunday night movie. It looks good and I'm going to make my mom sit down and watch it with me. I'm need to get in the holiday spirit and this movie looks like a good start.

~Have a happy Lord's Day~