September 6, 2007

Laura Ingalls Wilder Rocks

I love the Laura Ingalls Wilder series. So much so that I'm making my boys listen to me read a chapter every night before they go to bed. Or rather as they fall asleep since that's what usually happens. We started last week with the first book, "Little House in the Big Woods". My grandma had gotten me the whole set when I was little and when we were cleaning out some boxes my parents had brought over from their other house a couple weeks ago, I found them. I was SO excited. I was going to start reading them on my own, but there is so much History and things that my kids would never normally know about (like what a "patty pan" is, or what "pokeberries" are...)that I had to incorporate it into our schooling. AND, get this, I found some curriculum to go along with it online yesterday. And it even includes tests on each chapter.