October 19, 2005

Wednesday's Website

Ok, so I forgot last week...forgive me. So, this is the game plan...I pick a site or blog and rate it for you, my adoring fans.

Today I am picking a blog, and it comes to us all the way from Fairmont, West Virgina from my cousin and yours...Jeremy M. He LOVES Reba and has a Reba Blog. Here is the link... http://spaces.msn.com/members/rebaworld/

Of course I am giving this blog an "A+"!! And not just because it is owned by cousin, but because it really deserves an "A+". I know he spends a lot of time on this blog, and not just because he has no life (just kiddin) but because he truly wants to make it a great blog with as much information about Reba as possible. Plus he changes it and updates it frequently. If you visit this wonderful blog, please go to the map and mark it for him. He would appreciate it.