June 7, 2007

Looks Like A Pharmacy In Here!

In the words of his doctor: "T2, you're a mell of a hess!"

T2 went back to the allergist Thursday. He had a breathing test and did horrible. The doctor said if it was for a grade he would have gotten a D+. He was only at 67% and wheezing pretty bad. They did an in-office breathing treatment and he jumped up to 115%. They decided it was time for us to get a breathing machine (nebulizer). I was actually happy to hear that. I could never understand why in 10 years he had never had a breathing treatment when half my daycare kids (3 yrs and under) have. And he has been a lot worse than some of the kids I've seen that had them. The company called that night and tried to find someone to get us one right away but was going to have to have someone from the southside come way up to the northside. It was already 7:00, so I told the guy that it was not an emergency and he had just had a treatment at the office, so I didn't think it was something that couldn't wait until tomorrow. He was so happy I said that. He said he'd get us first on the list for the morning runs.

In the meantime, we had another prescription, just to get us through the night. I took it to CVS and found out that the insurance wouldn't cover any of it and the cost was $65. I couldn't justify spending that for just one use of it. If he would have needed it long term, I would have gotten it, but it was only to cover him until we got the nebulizer. Since he had just had a breathing treatment around 5:30, I figured he'd make it ok. He did fine all night so I guess it was the right decision.

Our appointment was suppose to be a 30-40 minute visit. We ended up being there for an hour and a half. We were the last ones out and the cleaning people were already there when we were leaving. We have another appointment for this Thursday. They're going to continue checking him every week until we can get these numbers under control. I hope future appointments are a little shorter and of course a little futher apart.

I can't believe I have a child with a chronic disease. And not that I would want either one of my babies to have this, but why does it have to be the one who loves being outside and running and playing? It's just not fair! And the poor child has never complained! He just goes with it. Never lets you know how horrible he's feeling or that he can't breathe, he just keeps on going with a smile on his face.

I'm still going to call our health food store and get an appointment to talk to the lady who owns it. I would like to get more information about natural alternatives. I think we'll stick to the meds for now, until things start improving, but hopefully we can eventually work on some other natural methods to open up those lungs and cut out some of the meds. I know it can be done. I did put both boys on omega 3's this week. I should probably be taking them too, but you know how us moms are... everyone else is more important.