May 9, 2008

Happy NPAD!

Did you know today was National Provider Appreciation Day? I actually forgot myself until I got a call from a former dc parent who mentioned it. I had the day off, so I'll consider that my gift.

I really wanted to sleep in a little this morning, but that's almost impossible when your daycare is IN your house. I tried, but was fully awake by 7:50 so I decided to get up and get breakfast for me and the boys. I watched some tv then got ready for the day.

Then it was off to run errands. The boys and I went to get gas, Aldi's, the newspaper office, Walmart and Bath & Body Works.

Isn't it weird when you see someone out and about that you know and you know that they know who you are and you both look straight at each other but neither of you say anything. Not a "hi", "hello", "how are you"... nothing. Why do people do that? It happened to me today, twice. I'm never sure how to handle those kind of situations so I usually say nothing and just walk away.

We got Chinese for dinner tonight. (vegetarian T1 got Subway) T2 and I split and order of sesame chicken, white rice and crab rangoons. It was good, but spicy. We haven't ordered from this particular place in probably over a year and they've really spiced up the sauce on the sesame chicken. Hopefully that will clear up my sinuses.

I got a call this afternoon from a former daycare mom wanting to know if it would be possible for her to bring her daughter back. I would be so excited for them to come back! I was really sad when they left as they were really good dc parents! And well, of course I just love their daughter... talk about a FUNNY little girl! She kept me in stitches daily. And the mom... just a doll!! Loved the family and will totally welcome them back! "K" is starting Kindergarten this fall and needs somewhere to hang until mom can get her. I hope it works out.

I'm over the "beautiful" rain (yesterday's post). It's cold today, and wet AND cold don't mix.

"Home Alone" just started on FX. T2 and I are going to get our blankets and cuddle up on the couch together. I love that movie and I love cuddling with my kid so it looks like it's going to be a good night!

PS- BTW, the hair... it's brassy. But not enough to have to wear a hat. :)


Kellan said...

Oh, sesame chicken sounds good - we love sesame chicken in our house. We haven't eaten dinner yet and that might be what we need to go get. Also, crab rangoons - MY FAVORITE!!!

Hope you have been well - so nice to see you. Hope you have a good weekend and a good Mother's Day - see you soon - Kellan

Kellan said...

I think you changed your site since I was here last - it looks great - I really like it!! Maybe I commented about it before, but I don't think so.

Kellan said...

Happy Mother's Day - see you later - Kellan