January 23, 2006

I had a thought...

I know, Tonja had a thought...and she's getting on her soapbox to share it with us...NO WAY!! lol
Hey, your Monday morning wouldn't be complete without me spouting off about something...LOL Right? Besides, I only have 2 kids here and they are laying down watching a Franklin dvd and I'm bored.

So last night I was flipping through channels and caught the ending of Desperate Housewives. I don't watch DH because I'm just not interested in the show, but I had watched the first few episodes so left it on for the last 10 minutes just to see what was happening. Well, Grey's Anatomy was on next, I had watched that show one time, so I decided I'd try again...it didn't hold my interest more than 5 minutes, but in the first scene two doctor's (or "interns") are sitting talking and the main girl is doing the "talking in her head but we can hear thing" and she is talking about honesty and lying...she said something about doctors always assume their patients are lying. I'm not exactly sure the exact words she used, but I know whatever it was that she said, really struck a nerve with me. And yes, I know, this is tv...but seriously, do you think that most doctors think their patients are lying to them??? I'm beginning to wonder...

I have always thought that about mine....like if I'm at my gyno for my annual check up and he wants to start talking about birth control and I tell him I don't need any...(a.k.a. I'm not having sex!!!) he will press the issue. For some reason, I guess telling your gyno that even though you are a single woman with two kids, you are a Christian and therefore not sleeping around, is still not a good enough explanation for why you don't need birth control! And of course, the fact that I have 2 kids works against me, I know that, but still....don't assume I'm lying about not having sex and not needing birth control!!

Just like the drinking thing, I always feel like they think I'm lying when I tell them I don't drink. They ask, I say I don't drink, they ask again "not just a glass of wine now and then??" NO, not just a glass of wine now and then!!! lol It's not that I think I'm going to hell if I have a glass of wine, or I think it's wrong, I just don't drink. Or very VERY rarely! (maybe at a wedding)

It also reminds me of the time that I had health insurance agents in my kitchen trying to get me to join their group of self employed "business people" and since they would be looking at my medical records, wanted to know about all prescriptions....well, a long time ago, before I took zoloft, my doctor prescribed xanax. I never took it. That is the 100% truth and anyone who knows of my wimpy nature when it comes to taking drugs, they know I did not take any xanax! lol Example of my "no drugs" nature...I woke up with a horrible headache today, but didn't take anything...I drank hot tea instead and hoped that it would help. ?? Where I am getting that theory is beyond me, but the headache's gone. Anyway... when I told these people that I had never taken any, they didn't believe me and kept asking and asking and asking, "Well, how many do you think you've taken in the last year?" ...So you know what I did...I LIED...I said I had taken it but only a couple of times. I LIED because they didn't believe me and they wouldn't except that I had never taken it. Grrrrr!

Ok, I don't like doctors anyway and I don't care for most of the medical field in general...only because it's a money maker...not a life saver!!! (in most cases-there are good doctors out there, I know this because I have had a few) Anyway...
I think anyone with a brain knows that they LET people die of cancer because of the money that it makes!!! Don't even get me started on my thoughts that they probably have, somewhere in some lab, a cure for cancer!!! But geez...think of the money they would lose if there were a cure! Or if doctors told us a way to live to insure us that we wouldn't get cancer! There are ways! Did you know that if your body is at a certain alkaline state there is no way that it's environment can produce cancer causing cells or disease? Did you know you can buy test strips at your local healthfood store and test your acid/alkaline each day at home? Did you know that just by eating certain foods you can ensure that the alkaline in your system doesn't turn into acid -which causes cancer and disease? (I'm sure I'll write a post about that someday, once I'm more educated!)

Anyway...to make my long story short...I have been convicted!! I think as a provider, I judge my daycare parents the same way. I figure they are all liars right from the start. And granted, most are (in some way or another), but still, I wonder if I would just give them a chance, maybe they would surprise me. Doubtful, but maybe worth a shot heh??


Carefree & Mad said...

Hmmm, Miss Tonja, you don't drink?? Didn't know that!! lol You have become such a great person and have changed so much since I first met you 15 years ago. You have really changed your life around for the better and I am so proud of you. Even with the healthier eating thing as I know the drive thru has always been your best friend!!! Congrats & keep up the good work!!

Mama T said...

Well thank you Miss PeaPod...hee hee You've come a long way too...I'm so happy we've made it, together! :o) Luv ya!