September 18, 2006

Kiss It Debbie Schlussel!

"Debbie Does Politics" - Debbie Schlussel (and by the way... WHY would you name your column "Debbie Does Politics" and then expect to be taken seriously - what a joke you are!) said this:

Study after study shows that kids raised by single mothers are more likely to suffer from depression and become violent, to commit crime and go to prison, to do lousy in school and be aggressive toward teachers, to be unsuccessful and to get divorced and have children out of wedlock. A December 2001 study by England's Tavistock and Portman National Health Service Trust found that boys generally face more psychological problems during their early upbringing, requiring attention from a father. An August 1999 study by Columbia University's National Center on Addiction and Drug Abuse, found kids raised by single mothers are more apt to abuse drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

I'm just rolling my eyes and proving her wrong!!