November 22, 2006

Cure Cancer In Your Sleep

"You can cure cancer in your sleep!"

In fact, such a claim is not at all outrageous. It's not even extraordinary. I have cured cancer thousands of times in my own lifetime, and so have you, if you're still alive. Every living human being cures themselves of cancer over and over again as their immune system locates and deals with cancerous cells in the body. Your immune system already knows how to cure cancer, and it has done so for decades.

The U.S. medical establishment claims there's no such thing as a "cure" for cancer, and yet every person alive today is a walking cancer curing machine. I suppose next,
the FDA will arrest people for exercising healthy immune system function because, to them, curing cancer is considered some sort of crime.

The only time cancer gets diagnosed in your body is when your immune system is unable to do the job it already knows how to do. And the way your immune system fails is if you don't give it the tools it needs: if you're suffering from nutritional deficiencies or
chronic dehydration, for example. It could also mean that you are poisoning your body with cancer-causing substances such as sodium nitrite (see related ebook on sodium nitrite) or chemical sweeteners, artificial colors, refined carbohydrates and environmental toxins such as the toxic chemicals found around your home. Common antibacterial soaps, for example, contain a chemical ingredient known as triclosan that, when combined with chlorine in tap water, generates highly carcinogenic fumes. Merely eating processed meats, recent studies show, boosts your risk of pancreatic cancer by 7600%!

*Read more here: http://www.allvita. net/news. htm