March 11, 2007

Oh The Weather Outside Is...


Today's high, 58... Tomorrow's, 62... Tuesday's, 70!!! Yes, 70! Welcome Spring! And it's SO ok that you're alittle early! Please pull up a seat and stay awhile!

Yesterday was Taylor's last basketball game. I took the video camera and got him making shots and assists. Also, my friend Jenny and her daughter Cassidy and son Jackson came and watched the game. That was fun! Cassidy was a cheerleader for the preschool group.

After the game, we met my mom and two ladies from my dad's church for lunch. Then we all went shopping downtown in this little town that has a bunch of cute little craft and antique shops. That was really fun. I got a soy candle (cocoa and cappuccino - YUM!). Once you go soy, you never go back! They burn so nicely.

Then after we got home, we went grocery shopping. By then it was already close to 5:00 so we didn't get back home until well after 6:00 and by that time it was time for dinner and some relaxing from walking around all day.

I actually slept pretty good last night and haven't had much of a headache all day. And, I remembered to set my clocks ahead. No biggie for me, when I lived in Michigan it was the norm. It wasn't until I lived here that I never had to do the time change thing. Actually it will work out nicely for me for a little while, my daycare kids will be going down for their nap earlier now so that will be good. I have one little one who is always ready for nap around 11ish... so this should work out great for him.

Today was really nice again. The kids and I went and looked at the building I'm thinking of moving the daycare into again. I called the owner on Friday and asked if he'd go any lower on the lease, at least for the first year. He said he'd go $50 lower which is great. I'm taking my dad to look at it Tuesday. I really hope it works out. I'm so ready for the daycare to be out of my house!

We also took our first bike ride of the season today. That was nice! It was good to be out on the open road again. lol

Well, I guess I should get back to working on my taxes. ugh! I just keep telling myself, the sooner I get it done the sooner that check is in my hands!!