March 12, 2006

Beautiful Sunday

It is absolutely Bea U tiful here today! Still muddy from all our buckets of rain, but beautiful with our 63 degrees and high of 69 today. I sat outside with T2 for awhile while he played with his trucks on our back patio. I told the kids if it wasn't so wet we could have went to the park. I can only imagine how muddy it is there.

Hey Jer...remember that time we went to the park and that kid totally wiped out on his bike! Yikes!!

Sadly, we didn't go to church this morning...but not because I wasn't up and didn't want to! Today started our new 4 week series and I was really looking forward to going, but I just could not get my kids moving. T1 was begging to stay home and when I went to wake him up he was all sweaty and hot. I felt his face and he was a little warm so I decided maybe we shouldn't go. Plus they have both had late bed times the last couple nights and I can tell it's wearing on them. We will have our own bible study today though. They're not getting out of it that easily. I wish our church had night services, but they have youth group on Sunday nights. I think I will try to push T1 to go next year. They start with 6th grade, but I think that's still kind of young and I don't think T1 is ready yet. So, we'll wait and start that next fall.

T2 is giving me fits about signing him up for baseball. He says he just doesn't want to do it this year. I think I am going to sign him up anyway. He can go through the practices and the first couple games and if he really doesn't want to do it, I will see then if I should let him quit or just make him finish the year and not sign him up again unless he wants to. They also have a basketball league that I wanted him to sign up for last year, but he said no. I think he would be great in basketball. He is really good at making baskets when we play over in Muncie. The only thing he may have trouble with would be taking the ball away from the opposing team. He just starting really trying to get people out in baseball last year. He is so tender hearted that he just hates tagging people. What a sweetie!!

Last night I did not see SWATboy (although he asked) and I did not see Rick (which I felt bad about)...instead, I saw Jenny! YaY! lol I haven't seen her in a long time. We just went to walmart and came back to my house and hung out for awhile. It was fun!

The kids and I MAY go see a movie today. If not, we are for sure going to rent one. I still haven't seen "Walk the Line" so that's probably what we'll get. I may ask Rick if he wants to come over and watch it with us but I don't know. We'll see.

I HAVE to dust today!! I've got tons of bunnies and it's not even close to Easter yet!
I also need to do more cleaning in my room. I don't think it's ever going to be done.

Well, I hope you've all had a great weekend! Monday is almost here again!

Here's a comforting verse for you:
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

1 Comment:

C said...
