October 27, 2006


Is it just me or did this week go super fast? Not complaining, just saying...

Yesterday was crazy, as is most Thursdays. I had to run errands in the morning and teach in the afternoon. The kids were actually really great. I was so impressed with them. I had my lesson all figured out but needed something else to fill my hour... as I was in the Dollar Store I prayed to God that He would help me figure something out. Just then I looked and saw a roll of packing paper. You know the brown paper you wrap boxes in. Well, it just popped into my head that we could use that to make a timeline. So I grabbed it along with some bribing tools (aka candy) and we were on our way. The kids LOVED the idea of making a timeline and I gave each of them their own date and what happened and had them write is out and draw pictures. The best thing was that they were actually working TOGETHER!! They decided they needed to make a line straight down the middle of the paper, so one boy got his ruler out and they took turns helping make the line. I couldn't believe how great they did. Of course one of our "active" kids wasn't there so I'm sure that helped.

After co-op Taylor wanted his friend Isaac to come home with us for the evening, so we brought him home. Of course after playing for a couple hours they decided it was too early for Isaac to go home and that he needed to spend the night. I don't think I slept all night. I couldn't get to sleep until they were asleep, then I got up to let Chloe out at 2:30 and looked in their room and both my boys were fast asleep but Isaac was up and watching tv. I asked him if he was ok and he said yes, so I just went back to bed. I saw the tv go off a few minutes after that so I hope he got some sleep. They got up late this morning and Isaac left around 10:30. Now both boys are upstairs napping. lol Oh the good ol days of sleepovers.

Tonight Rick's coming over and we'll probably just order pizza. He said he has a surprise for me... I'm sure it's jewelry. Later we'll carve our pumpkins with the boys and maybe watch a movie. We also need to make a trip to the Halloween store to get the rest of their costumes. I also need to get some goodies for the daycare party Tuesday. I think my parents are going to pass out candy this year. Last year they were both working nights and I had to take the boys out, so our house sat dark. I hate not passing out candy. I feel like if your kids go out someone should be at your house to pass out candy too. Give and take.

Tomorrow Rick and I have a date night. I'm not sure when the last time was that I actually went out with him and didn't have the boys. He said he'll make all the plans... that could be scary. We could end up in Vegas. I think I'll add my two cents and ask for dinner and shopping. I haven't been to Lord Ashley's for awhile. It's a small cozy, candlelit place with great food. Maybe we can go there and then to Kohls. I need a new outfit for Sunday. I am greeting at church and I need to look good. LOL

Here's to the weekend...