Not much going on around here... yesterday the daycare kids were pretty crabby and tired. (Need I say more on how my day went.) But last night was better. As soon as the kids left, we all (my parents, my kids, Rick and I) went to Applebees for dinner. While there, we saw my preacher's wife and some local "celebrities" (The Burds) and had a really good time just eating and talking. Then me, Rick and the kids went to Walmart. Rick bought the kids tons of stuff (we really need to talk about the spoiling!!) and I had to get some things. I was SO excited... I found Gerber 2nd foods for 25 cents! I bought 48 jars (or rather Rick bought me 48 jars). Since I have 2 daycare babies that are on 2nd food, this was a steal. And since I use the Standard Food Allowance for my taxes and get $1.96 for lunch, paying only 25 cents is a major steal!! Then we came back and watched Nacho Libre. I have no comment on that movie... all I can say is I don't think I'd actually sit and watch it a second time, but it was ok the first time. The kids also got Monster House and watched that this morning.
I ran up to the library today and got two books that look very interesting. They are: 'Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World' by John Hagee (I like him) and 'Every Prophecy of the Bilble' by John F. Walvoord (never heard of him). I also got 'Little House On The Prairie' which is the second book in the series, but they didn't have 'Little House In The Big Woods'. Maybe I should wait and get that one first. I'd like to read them all to the kids this fall/winter. I know they are boys, but I just LOVE those books and since I get to be the teacher, I guess we'll read them. My grandma got me the whole set for Christmas one year when I was little but they've been packed away somewhere forever and I'll probably never find them. Maybe I should just go to Borders and get the whole set for myself.
Well, I did it... I signed up to be a foster parent... but not for a child, for animals. lol I know, WHAT AM I THINKING!?! There is an organization here in Indy called P.A.W.S. and I've wanted to work with them for a long time but every time they've had an opening, I have had something else planned for that date. They sent me an application to fill out yesterday and as soon as they get it back they'll call and set up a home study and soon after I'll get a foster puppy or dog. We can't do cats because of Taylor's allergies but then again, I wouldn't really want cats anyway. I also signed up for other small caged animals like hamsters or gerbils. I'm kind of thinking there won't be many of those though... I mean they're just hamsters! Anyway, my mom is freaking out... she says she can just picture me ending up with a whole house full of dogs, but that won't happen. It's like the daycare kids, you love them but you know they aren't yours. If the doggies are going to a good home, I'll be happy for them. I hope I get a little puppy that still needs bottle fed... awwwww!! And I hope my dogs aren't too jealous. I'm sure Andy will hate just about anything we keep, but Chloe will have a ball. I can just picture her playing the mommy role to any puppies we get. Plus Andy won't play with her and she really wants another puppy to play with. What's one more dog anyway?!
So, that's what's happening around here. I'm off to start one of my new books while the daycare kids are still sleeping.
October 25, 2006
What's Up
Posted at 12:30 PM |
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