I've waited all week for this day so that I could sleep in. I ended up going to bed early, like at 9:30... I was SO tired I was falling asleep doing things. It was a little scary. I was changing channels and I only changed two channels and I literally passed out. T1 was like "MOM! what are you doing? Are we going watch this?" It was on BET, I'm not sure what show was on, but anyway... yeah, it was kind of scary because I couldn't keep myself awake for anything. I was seriously passing out. Do you ever have those kinds of nights? Well, I did work 50 hours this week so it doesn't surprise me. I slept all night until about 8:30 this morning, then I woke up and it's a good thing, because as I was laying there thinking about just going back to sleep, I remembered I had to get up and get T2 breakfast so he could have his prednisone. He has to take it before 9:00am. So, I got up and got him up. Then we were pretty much not tired anymore so I had the bright idea that we'd go get Krispy Kremes and go find garage sales. That was a waste of time. There were a couple garage sales, but nothing I wanted to stop at. Then I thought about how I probably didn't really need to get any more junk to put in my already crowded house anyway, so we just came home.
My mom went back to the doctor yesterday. She has asthmatic bronchitis, not just the regular bronchitis. So, she came home with prednisone, an inhaler, more pills and some kind of vicodin syrup. I think the woman's set now. Of course when I told her that the new cough syrup has vicodin in it, she said she wouldn't take it.
Oh well, more for me. Just kidding. I think. Anyway, so that is that, and hopefully now she'll be on the road to recovery.
I'm in the mood to buy something big today. Like a patio set or something outdoorsy. Or clothes... I feel like buying clothes. Summer clothes. Except for the last time I did that, the temps went down to the 30's. I still have a new outfit from Kohls sitting in my closet that I haven't even tried on yet. I bought it when it was nice and then it got cold again. It's too nice to wear to work, maybe I'll wear it to church tomorrow.
Unfortunately we have to go grocery shopping today... I haven't gone in 2 weeks other than just up to our little store here to get milk and bread and stuff. Do you know that I do not like grocery shopping? I will do almost anything to get out of it. Anyone want to go for me?
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